When we go all out for Sunday dinner or cook up something special for a mid-week supper we like to have dessert, well, really we just like dessert and will use any excuse at all to have some haha ;)
One of our favourites is an easy variation on 'Eton Mess' which normally consists of meringue, double cream and strawberries. We make our version with sour cream, crème fraiche and a ton of chocolate!
There are a lot of different ways of making something that resembles Eton Mess, my mother in law makes her version with greek yoghurt instead of cream and it's awesome because the yoghurt is silky and creamy without being as heavy as the double cream.
For us however no dessert is complete without the addition of chocolate and we find that the tart flavour and silky smoothness of sour cream and crème fraiche mixed together is the perfect partner for crunchy meringue and sweet chocolate. We use low fat creams because there so much chocolate and meringue you can't taste the difference and I like to try and limit the amount of damage to my waistline where I can! You can also add less chocolate if you feel its too much but we are chocoholics in this house so we just throw it all in.
Its super easy to make (you literally just have to stir it together!) and is great to throw together at the last minute so its fab for parties or just as a treat after Sunday dinner.
The recipe below will yield enough for four generous portions so you can multiply as needed to feed more.
6 ready made meringue nests
300ml Creme Fraiche/Low fat Creme Fraiche
300ml Sour Cream/ Low fat Sour Cream
A handful of strawberries or other berry fruit.
2 Crunchie Bars
2 40g bags of Malteasers
2 Flakes
60ml of Berry Fruit Coulis (optional)
1. Crumble two of the meringue nests into the bottom of a large bowl or jug. If you add all the nests they will start to dissolve pretty quick so I add one into each individual bowl instead of adding them all now, adding two at this stage will sweeten the sour cream just enough to make it delicious.
2. Add the creams to the jug or bowl and stir well to mix in the meringue.
3. Use a rolling pin to smash up all the chocolate.
4. Add the chocolate the cream and meringue mixture and stir.
5.Try not to eat it yet.
(I always fail at this part)
6. Dice up the fruit and add to the mixture. (*bad blogger alert* I totally forgot to take pictures of this stage, to be fair I was more interested in eating it once I saw all the chocolate so its amazing there are any pics at all!)
7. Add one crushed meringue to the bottom of each bowl and spoon the mixture on top.
*optional* 8. Add a tablespoonful of fruit coulis on top of each bowl and swirl to give a pretty effect. You could even add a little jug of this to the table so everyone can add more if they wish, it really does just finish this dessert off beautifully and it tastes delicious.
Ta Dah!!!! Doesn't it look gorgeous? It tastes even better believe me!
So that is my easy peasy dessert, totally foolproof and everyone always loves it.
You can adjust it in so many ways, less chocolate more strawberries,
maybe raspberries and blackberries instead
or even add little bits of chopped nuts or fudge for some pizazz.
The possibilities are endless and delicious!
Hope you enjoyed this recipe, any questions just comment below and Ill get back to you asap.
I'm in the mood for a little dessert now, anyone care to join me?
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