Magpie & Hen is the lifestyle and crafts blog of
Cheryl Henry and Jenny Doherty,
two thirty-something ladies living in a small town in
not-so-sunny Northern Ireland.
two thirty-something ladies living in a small town in
not-so-sunny Northern Ireland.
We have been friends for far too many years to count
(or rather we won't count them because it makes us feel old)
and we have a passion for
crafts, homemade, handmade, decor and DIY.
(or rather we won't count them because it makes us feel old)
and we have a passion for
crafts, homemade, handmade, decor and DIY.
Please get in touch with us if you have any questions
or just to say hello, we love making new friends.
or just to say hello, we love making new friends.
You can find us on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter and Bloglovin by clicking on the yellow icons to the right.
Twitter and Bloglovin by clicking on the yellow icons to the right.
......................... Cheryl Loves .........................
Posh tea, mugs of tea...pretty much any kind of tea...reading children's books (you are never too old for Enid Blyton) and scouring the internet for awesome blogs.
Moving furniture around, and then moving it again, planning holidays, planning to redecorate and planning crafts.
Singing in the car when there is no-one to hear her.
Creating beautiful jewellery with the prettiest of beads.
Creating beautiful jewellery with the prettiest of beads.
Finding fabulous vintage things in thrift stores and then bringing them home with her, much to the dismay of her new husband.
......................... Jenny Loves .........................
Looking at life through a lens, learning to shoot in manual and finding something beautiful in just the right light for the perfect shot.
Knitting and crocheting with huge balls of colourful squishy wool and knowing that what she is crafting will keep her warm and cosy (because she is always cold).
Gazing longingly at, and dreaming of buying, mid-century furniture, Tolix stools and Eames chairs and everything sold in Ikea...she loves house shopping in general really.
Reading far too many magazines with a few too many cups of tea and far too many bars of chocolate!
Knitting and crocheting with huge balls of colourful squishy wool and knowing that what she is crafting will keep her warm and cosy (because she is always cold).
Gazing longingly at, and dreaming of buying, mid-century furniture, Tolix stools and Eames chairs and everything sold in Ikea...she loves house shopping in general really.
Reading far too many magazines with a few too many cups of tea and far too many bars of chocolate!
LOVE that you guys now have a blog!! look forward to being inspired:)