When we were kids my Mum used to make homemade playdoh with us to keep us amused during the holidays. She runs a day nursery now and she still uses this same recipe to make playdoh for her kids there. I have no idea where she got it originally but I had a look around online and it is really similar or practically identical to a lot of other playdoh recipes out there so I'm guessing this method is pretty foolproof. It isn't sticky or too hard and will stay soft for a few weeks if kept covered in between playtimes. I make it when I'm babysitting and the kids just love it (though I think I enjoy it more than they do haha!) and we add all sorts of things like sequins and rice to the dough. Glitter is awesome too but be aware that it gets everywhere!
First things first, you will need:
a large bowl
either an actual cup or a 1 cup measuring cup
a teaspoon
two tablespoons
a wooden spoon
1/2 cup of salt
2 cups plain flour
2 tablespoons of cream of tartar
2 tablespoons of oil ie. vegetable/sunflower/groundnut oil
1 teaspoon of glycerine
1 and a half cups of boiling water
Food colouring
Optional extras: rice/glitter/sequins for texture.
This will make one batch of dough in one colour. Its so quick to make that I usually make three or four batches in different colours so we can get a bit more creative!
First add all your dry ingredients to the bowl and give it a stir.
Then add the oil and the glycerine.

The add the boiling water and the food colouring. The easiest way to add the colouring is to add it to the water before you put the water in the bowl, that way it will dissolve in the water and when you mix it in the colouring will be evenly distributed throughout the mixture and you won't have to knead it in after (which takes forever!)
This is how it looks when all the ingredients are added. Stir everything together, it will be sticky and gooey at first but it will come together pretty quickly.
When it starts to form a ball you can take it out of the bowl and knead it for 30 seconds or so to make sure everything is incorporated. If it is very sticky add a pinch of flour and work it in, if it feels a little dry then add a splash of water. This recipe is a dream though so it should be perfect. The whole thing should take no longer than five minutes from start to finish!
Now is the time to add any extras like rice or glitter or even sequins!
I love adding sequins or small craft stars to playdoh, kids really enjoy the different textures.
I made this a few days ago for a couple of kids and they had a blast. We made pink, blue, green, orange and lilac as well as the yellow. Add a few cookie cutters, plastic cutlery and a jar of coloured lollipop sticks and you're sorted.
I like to add real world/grown up things like the cutlery and bun cases too as I find that they like to pretend to make delicious treats for everyone.
We even used a cake stand to display them afterwards which they loved.
So that's how we make playdoh in our family,
a super easy way with no cooking involved that takes just five minutes.
That's it from me for today, I'll be back Wednesday next week with a great roast chicken recipe so check back for that.
Any questions just shout out in the comments below :)
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